Friday, April 5, 2019

Tis the month of Lionel! (and a new find)

April commences the Month of Lionel, given his lie to his biographer that he was born April 12, when it's actually April 28, 1878.  No, I have no idea why he did that, other than an occasionally puckish humor.

I'm trying to think of some novel stuff for the blog, though it's kind of busy in work/life. However, I did finally acquire something I've had my eye on for a while:

This is a 1922 Canadian Tobacco Products Corp Card (#13 of 100 it seems), which I got from eBay for a nice price. The image below is apparently from the same shoot. He had just appeared in Boomerang Bill and was all kinds of handsome. I can generally figure out what the card said. Given the age, it's in quite good shape on the front.

So keep an eye out here for the lovely month of Lionel, and I'll try to provide some entertainment, or at least information.

Happy April!


  1. I just happen to be scrolling about The Barrymores and found this woderful blog. Thanks for all the awesome pics and links you can't find elsewhere! Love LB! He was so interesting and in some ways so underrated! Hope to see more. Thank you!

    1. Hey, welcome!I hope you have fun looking around. I should be working more on it, but I kind of set myself high standards so I don't want to just toss anything up:) Thanks for reading!
