Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Happy heavenly memorial, Mr. B

HI all, just remembering Lionel Barrymore on the anniversary of his death. It's been a long, long time of doing this, complicated too, but at least here's a newish pic to me, with all 3 fabulous Barrymore, and a lobby card for On BorrowedTime, an amazing part for him! (sorry about the screenshot, these photographs are fighting me! I'll try to fix later) :
It's from the fairly well known family pics made after John Jr was born. I hadn't seen some of these poses. Happy week!

Monday, November 14, 2022

In spite of everything, I'm still here!

Anon, the anniversary of Mr B's death. It has been a frightful, plague-year type of year for me in terms of health, and I appreciate more and more Mr B's durability in continuing to work in spite of heavy meds, pain, and general ill helath for a long time after 1925 or so. Clearly, things got a little worse as he aged, after say 1940, but his apparent autoimmune issues, including some serious arthritis, would have worn him down in ways not always visible on screen. I have been able to find a few new photos thanks to an auction site, and I'm constantly amazed by the finds still coming out, for Jack, Lionel, and Ethel. The sibs cut a far larger path than most people are even vaguely aware of! And that's not mentioning his grandniece's power moves on media and in makeup/kitchen goods. The Barrymores certainly do endure. Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow or late today with new pics, some thoughts, and some humor to remember Mr B and his audacious life. Y'all hang in there with me! (Below, an action Lionel in Enemies of Women)