Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Happy Birthday once again, Mr. B!

 So what a year, huh? Not as dramatic as quite a few of Lionel Barrymore's life (2 world wars, a pandemic, etc etc), but still special for us now. So to celebrate, I'm throwing back to some of the earliest film publicity sightings of young Lionel, from Biograph, etc. Enjoy!

1914 magazine portrait

Not as early, but an adorable article "by" LaMarr on screen lovers.

There are biograph bulletins from several other of his earliest films, including his first confirmed one, The Battle, but they aren't featuring the birthday boy.  See Films of, 1911-12, to check out the screen grabs from The Battle.

In any event, enjoy these little tidbits, then wander over to the Films of and flip through all the years done so  far. I've done research on years yet to be posted, but I'm waiting for a chance to breathe!


Sunday, April 18, 2021

An appreciation post: Sadie Thompson, 1927. - rowr-

And all that implies! I love this film and the story behind it. Gloria Swanson is the queen of early cinema moxie. Read her bio and check out the making of this film. I was able to look at her materials at the Ransom Center in Austin over a few visits, and if anything, I'm even more impressed. The direction by Raoul Walsh (also co-starring) is flawless, the performances are uniformly excellent, and they got away with a LOT. It's still available, albeit with about 6 missing minutes at the end. Mr. B is simply at his intense, silent-film loquacious best, his eyes really working to communicate very complex emotions. There's also some humor, pathos, edginess, and a little few surprises. The story by Somerset Maugham is indeed good, though I find that the film does it justice and more.

Mr. B as Alfred Davidson, "reformer" and righteous dude, is among his best, IMO. The between-scenes pics I've found communicate just how tired he seemed to be, though now and then he does smile and goof with Swanson. The set of stills from the collection is pretty huge. There's a lot to take in about the film!

So to celebrate a film coming up on 100,here are some of my favorite images from the film and still collection. Enjoy! And go watch the film, it's on YT and elsewhere! You won't regret it, unless you're a "reformer". :)

Need I remind you it's Mr B's birthday month? April 28th approacheth! (No, it wasn't April 14, he straight out lied in his biography.)