Saturday, October 26, 2019

FYI: I died

No, really, I did. July 4 I had a massive heart attack and 3 cardiac arrests. From that day  I've spent 59 days in 4 different hospitals. No, I had no warning and did not have heart trouble prior.

But I mean wow.... I'm still managing the fallout physically and mentally. And, I'm encouraging everyone to get regular checkups! Don't be foolish and cavalier about health  if you can manage. I was fortunate to have decent insurance and a safe job. Hopefully I'll be back in December at work.

In the meantime, I wish all the best end of the year. More Lionel to come, promise!

Lionel in Sadie Thompson 


  1. Sammy, I'm glad the other side didn't want you yet. I had bypass surgery two years ago but I didn't die even once - so far.

    1. ... and I'm glad you didn't! More drama than a John Barrymore silent film :)
