Today commences the First of the fortnight of Lionel, April 12, the false date he cheerfully gave to his autobiography-helper, Cameron Shipp. Twas a base lie, and Mr. B knew it--his actual birthdate is April 28, 1878.
For this First of Lionel, then, I offer some pics from films in which Mr. B took on some real makeup, as opposed to his usual "as is and barefaced" look in the great majority of his films. Enjoy, be astonished, and sometimes just LOL at these get-ups. There are more, but here's the wide-ranging sampling!**
**You can also see some early makeup at this post here:
LB's makeup in some early roles
In Decameron Nights, as Saladin (a lost film) |
In "The Claw" on Broadway, here with soon to be second wife Irene Fenwick; 1st wife Doris Rankin was also in it! LB swore the makeup was the same, but his physical expressiveness and mannerisms changed to show age. |
In the 2nd act of "The Copperhead" on Broadway, his biggest stage role |
A posed shot from his notorious "Macbeth" on Broadway |
Program cover from "Peter Ibbetson" on Bway, LB at bottom, if it's not obvious. |
The Stranger's Return--old man beard, really young looking left hand! |
The Devil Doll, still. Not exactly make up, but...(flash on edge my error in taking the pic!) |
The glorious Rasputin and the Empress with brother John. Amusing anecdotes in LB's bio | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | |
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