Thursday, November 15, 2018 2018. Remembering the fabulous Lionel Barrymore

Here it is, National Sam Day and the yearly celebration of Mr. B's passing. It has been an insane year so far, full of sound and fury and occasionally signifying something. At times, though, I've been unsure WHAT was signified.

But time proceeds along, and I can't let the day go without celebrating a man I admire for a few things--overall, his fabulousness. So here are some fabulous Lionel Barrymore images for your delectation. Would that we all could leave such memorable traces!

An approximately  3 year old baby Lionel

From 1926 MGM shoot, after signing with them 

America, 1924

The Jest, 1919, as Neri; co-starred John. Color by me

Enemies of Women, as Lubimoff (right) 

The Show

The Barrier, his first MGM California film 

Unseeing Eyes

Decameron Nights, apparently an oddity, as Saladin


Early 1920s postcard 

With Mary Pickford in The New York Hat

Paris at Midnight, as Vautrin

Lionel Barrymore, 1878-1954. Thanks for the years!


  1. Hi Sammy! Your presentation of photographs of Lionel's career are wonderful and indeed rare, Thank you for honoring him and I hope many will tune into your blogs

    1. Sorry, I'm just seeing this! Thanks for the very kind words and for reading.

  2. I just watched The New York Hat last week. Wasn't he gorgeous?
